66.7% Winrate 42.5% Avg Gain 42.4% S&P Beat
Bought GME Puts
1d agoDaytradedBearish
down -10.11% At 0.178, Now 0.16
Contract: 20 Strike Put for Sep 27
66.7% Winrate 42.5% Avg Gain 42.4% S&P Beat
Bought WMT Calls
1d agoDaytradedBullish
up 200.0% At 0.05, Exited 0.15
Contract: 79 Strike Call for Sep 20
Exited 22h ago
0 0
66.7% Winrate 42.5% Avg Gain 42.4% S&P Beat
Bought INTC Shares
1d agoDaytradedBullish
down -0.61% At 22.125, Now 21.99
buying INTC shares for the gap fill into next week on the pending news.
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
Bought SMCI Calls
1d agoDaytradedBullish
up 91.67% At 1.368, Exited 2.622
Contract: 452.5 Strike Call for Sep 20
EOD YOLO looking for the BULLs to have a party after faking the BEARs out Today
Exited 1d ago
0 0
66.7% Winrate 42.5% Avg Gain 42.4% S&P Beat
Bought HOOD Puts
1d agoDaytradedBearish
up 20.63% At 0.0945, Exited 0.114
Contract: 22.5 Strike Put for Sep 20
Exited 1d ago
0 0
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
SPXL Options
1d agoDaytraded Exited 1d ago
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
Subscribe to unlock all trades
25.0% Winrate -22.3% Avg Gain -21.8% S&P Beat
Bought SYY Calls
1d agoDaytradedBullish
up 17.65% At 0.425, Now 0.5
Contract: 77.5 Strike Call for Oct 18
72.7% Winrate 8.8% Avg Gain 7.6% S&P Beat
Bought AAPL Calls
1d agoDaytradedBullish
up 10.16% At 1.673, Exited 1.843
Contract: 235 Strike Call for Sep 27
Exited 1d ago
0 0
25.0% Winrate -22.3% Avg Gain -21.8% S&P Beat
Bought SPY Puts
1d agoDaytradedBearish
down -52.16% At 1.133, Exited 0.542
Contract: 567 Strike Put for Sep 20
Exited 1d ago
0 0
66.7% Winrate 42.5% Avg Gain 42.4% S&P Beat
Bought AMD Calls
1d agoDaytradedBullish
up 30.13% At 0.239, Exited 0.311
Contract: 155 Strike Call for Sep 20
Exited 1d ago
0 0
25.0% Winrate -22.3% Avg Gain -21.8% S&P Beat
Bought WBD Puts
1d agoDaytradedBearish
down -2.5% At 0.4, Now 0.39
Contract: 8.5 Strike Put for Oct 04
60.0% Winrate 1.0% Avg Gain 0.1% S&P Beat
NVDA Options
1d agoDaytraded Exited 1d ago
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
Subscribe to unlock all trades
53.4% Winrate 14.3% Avg Gain 11.9% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Calls
1d agoDaytradedBullish
down -86.04% At 0.394, Exited 0.055
Contract: 117 Strike Call for Sep 20
This is at support, looking for a bounce.
Exited 1d ago
0 0
66.7% Winrate 42.5% Avg Gain 42.4% S&P Beat
Bought MARA Calls
1d agoDaytradedBullish
up 14.78% At 0.115, Exited 0.132
Contract: 15.5 Strike Call for Sep 20
Exited 1d ago
0 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Puts
1d agoDaytradedBearish
up 32.23% At 1.21, Exited 1.6
Contract: 481 Strike Put for Sep 20
short into the breakdown area
Exited 1d ago
0 0
25.0% Winrate -22.3% Avg Gain -21.8% S&P Beat
Bought EQT Calls
2d agoDaytradedBullish
down -52.26% At 0.532, Exited 0.254
Contract: 35 Strike Call for Sep 27
looks like money is rotation into Energy and Communications
Exited 1d ago
0 0
25.0% Winrate -22.3% Avg Gain -21.8% S&P Beat
Bought WMT Calls
2d agoDaytradedBullish
up 30.48% At 0.525, Exited 0.685
Contract: 79 Strike Call for Sep 27
giving it another shot
Exited ago
0 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Calls
2d agoDaytradedBullish
down -32.75% At 0.907, Exited 0.61
Contract: 486 Strike Call for Sep 19
Exited 2d ago
0 0
72.7% Winrate 8.8% Avg Gain 7.6% S&P Beat
Bought JPM Calls
2d agoDaytradedBullish
up 6.8% At 1.088, Exited 1.162
Contract: 215 Strike Call for Sep 27
Playing bullish reversal to target PDH based on the hammer on 30 min
Exited 2d ago
0 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Calls
3d agoDaytradedBullish
up 16.96% At 0.731, Exited 0.855
Contract: 478 Strike Call for Sep 18
Exited 3d ago
0 0
72.7% Winrate 8.8% Avg Gain 7.6% S&P Beat
Bought JPM Calls
3d agoDaytradedBullish
down -9.98% At 1.804, Exited 1.624
Contract: 220 Strike Call for Oct 18
Exited 3d ago
0 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought IWM Calls
3d agoDaytradedBullish
down -42.13% At 1.455, Exited 0.842
Contract: 224 Strike Call for Sep 18
Started position
Exited 3d ago
0 0
49.4% Winrate 15.2% Avg Gain 12.1% S&P Beat
AAPL Options
3d agoDaytraded Unlock
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
Subscribe to unlock all trades
90.0% Winrate 8.7% Avg Gain 6.0% S&P Beat
LYFT Options
4d agoDaytraded Unlock
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
Subscribe to unlock all trades
100.0% Winrate 1.0% Avg Gain 0.4% S&P Beat
Bought SPY Shares
4d agoDaytradedBullish
up 1.0% At 562.5, Now 568.1
SPY bought Calls couple of times. Sold each time at above 30% profit. Don't miss to read.rnrnvikopine.substack.comrnrn$SPY $SPX #ES_F $AAPL $TSLA $COI... Read More
100.0% Winrate 1.0% Avg Gain 0.4% S&P Beat
Bought SPY Shares
4d agoDaytradedBullish
up 0.96% At 562.7, Now 568.1
$SPY bought Calls couple of times. Sold each time at above 30% profit. rnFind out more atrnrnvikopine.substack.comrn$SPY $SPX #ES_F $AAPL $TSLA $COIN ... Read More
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
Bought SPY Calls
4d agoDaytradedBullish
down -96.68% At 1.053, Exited 0.035
Contract: 565 Strike Call for Sep 17
Looking to see if the BULLs will monetize the upside ahead of Powel | FOMC tomorrow
Exited 4d ago
0 0
72.7% Winrate 8.8% Avg Gain 7.6% S&P Beat
Bought GOOGL Calls
4d agoDaytradedBullish
down -21.31% At 1.004, Exited 0.79
Contract: 165 Strike Call for Sep 27
Looking for gap fill on daily
Exited 2d ago
0 0
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
Bought SPXL Calls
4d agoDaytradedBullish
up 27.71% At 2.624, Exited 3.351
Contract: 158 Strike Call for Sep 20
Looking for a run higher ahead of Powell | FOMC tomorrow
Exited 3d ago
0 0
66.7% Winrate 8.8% Avg Gain 7.6% S&P Beat
Bought META Calls
4d agoDaytradedBullish
down -63.32% At 1.625, Exited 0.596
Contract: 560 Strike Call for Sep 20
Exited 3d ago
0 0
66.7% Winrate 8.8% Avg Gain 7.6% S&P Beat
Shorted MEDA Shares
4d agoDaytradedBearish
0.0% At -1.0, Now -1.0
49.4% Winrate 15.2% Avg Gain 12.1% S&P Beat
C Options
5d agoDaytraded Exited 4d ago
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
Subscribe to unlock all trades
49.4% Winrate 15.2% Avg Gain 12.1% S&P Beat
GOOGL Options
5d agoDaytraded Exited 4d ago
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
Subscribe to unlock all trades
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
Bought SPY Puts
5d agoDaytradedBearish
down -81.76% At 0.466, Exited 0.085
Contract: 559 Strike Put for Sep 16
Scalping some downside with this idea, looking for a test of 559.50 below
Exited 5d ago
0 0
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
Bought AAPL Puts
5d agoDaytradedBearish
up 20.65% At 1.535, Exited 1.852
Contract: 212.5 Strike Put for Sep 20
Looking to scalp some AAPL downside on a bearish day
Exited 5d ago
0 0
66.7% Winrate 8.8% Avg Gain 7.6% S&P Beat
Bought MSFT Calls
5d agoDaytradedBullish
up 56.15% At 1.236, Exited 1.93
Contract: 445 Strike Call for Sep 20
Exited 4d ago
0 0
0% Winrate -85.2% Avg Gain -86.3% S&P Beat
Bought GOOG Puts
6d agoDaytradedBearish
down -99.42% At 1.71, Now 0.01
Contract: 157.5 Strike Put for Sep 20
0% Winrate -85.2% Avg Gain -86.3% S&P Beat
Bought AAPL Calls
6d agoDaytradedBullish
down -70.91% At 0.55, Now 0.16
Contract: 230 Strike Call for Sep 20
72.7% Winrate 8.8% Avg Gain 7.6% S&P Beat
Bought MSFT Calls
8d agoDaytradedBullish
up 19.02% At 1.283, Exited 1.527
Contract: 440 Strike Call for Sep 20
Exited 8d ago
0 0
60.0% Winrate 1.0% Avg Gain 0.1% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Puts
8d agoDaytradedBearish
down -21.92% At 0.689, Exited 0.538
Contract: 118 Strike Put for Sep 13
Exited 8d ago
0 0
53.4% Winrate 14.3% Avg Gain 11.9% S&P Beat
Bought MARA Calls
8d agoDaytradedBullish
up 146.71% At 0.152, Exited 0.375
Contract: 16 Strike Call for Sep 13
Bullish today. Think BTC can pop
Exited 8d ago
0 0
57.5% Winrate 12.8% Avg Gain 6.4% S&P Beat
Shorted NVDA Shares
8d agoDaytradedBearish
up 1.79% At 119.2, Exited 117.0
I’m seeing a potential short opportunity with NVIDIA as it closed under 120 and is approaching a tricky resistance area. Given the recent rally and th... Read More
Exited 5d ago
0 0
43.4% Winrate -0.1% Avg Gain -6.5% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Shares
8d agoDaytradedBullish
down -1.79% At 119.2, Exited 117.0
I just took a long position on NVDA because I believe it has the potential to shoot past $115. Despite some earlier setbacks, I'm seeing momentum buil... Read More
Exited 5d ago
0 0
49.1% Winrate 14.8% Avg Gain 8.5% S&P Beat
Shorted AVGO Calls
8d agoDaytradedBearish
down -64.84% At 4.826, Exited 7.955
Contract: 160 Strike Call for Sep 13
I've had some success selling calls near the AVGO bottom and I'm looking to hold my current calls with a strike price of $160 until expiration tomorro... Read More
Exited 8d ago
0 0
49.1% Winrate 14.8% Avg Gain 8.5% S&P Beat
Bought ASTS Calls
9d agoDaytradedBullish
down -59.76% At 0.251, Exited 0.101
Contract: 29.5 Strike Call for Sep 13
I just bought some 1DTE calls for tomorrow. I believe ASTS is going to jump 10% based on the current sentiment and the successful launch now being beh... Read More
Exited 8d ago
0 0
53.4% Winrate 14.3% Avg Gain 11.9% S&P Beat
Bought SPY Puts
9d agoDaytradedBearish
down -15.46% At 0.776, Exited 0.656
Contract: 553 Strike Put for Sep 12
Curling over 1 min. Want to see 548/549 area retested
Exited 9d ago
0 0
57.5% Winrate 12.8% Avg Gain 6.4% S&P Beat
Shorted SPY Shares
10d agoDaytradedBearish
down -1.55% At 551.6, Exited 560.2
I'm cautious about the S&P 500 as we are opening at a resistance level and might see selling pressure. With the CPI mixed and concerns about ongoing r... Read More
Exited 8d ago
0 0
49.1% Winrate 14.8% Avg Gain 8.5% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Puts
10d agoDaytradedBearish
down -54.63% At 0.41, Exited 0.186
Contract: 109 Strike Put for Sep 13
I just purchased NVDA puts and closed them for a 34% gain. There's volatility in this stock, which presents great opportunities for quick options trad... Read More
Exited 10d ago
0 0
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Calls
10d agoDaytradedBullish
up 216.31% At 1.723, Exited 5.45
Contract: 109 Strike Call for Sep 13
Looking to see if all this bullish action in NVDA is going to payoff given the bullish MNF on the day
Exited 10d ago
1 0
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
Bought CCJ Calls
10d agoDaytradedBullish
up 100.44% At 1.145, Exited 2.295
Contract: 39 Strike Call for Sep 13
UOA in CCJ today and a nice spike higher to follow; now PA is hanging out near the 618 level on the week with a flag building, so let's see if we can ... Read More
Exited 9d ago
1 0