ADI Watch
Analog Devices
$-6.55 -2.81%
1 Min 5 Min 15 Min Hourly Daily
Assets Gross Profit Revenue Earnings
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50.0% Winrate -8.8% Avg Gain -13.4% S&P Beat
Bought ADI Puts
13d agoSwungBearish
down -47.08% At 18.5, Exited 9.79
Contract: 230 Strike Put for Oct 18
I've noticed some big money flowing into the 230 strike puts for ADI, which looks promising given the current weakness in semiconductor stocks. With t... Read More
Exited 5d ago
0 0
85.1% Winrate 4.0% Avg Gain -7.1% S&P Beat
Bought ADI Shares
31d agoInvestedBullish
down -0.32% At 227.5, Now 226.8
I purchased ADI shares due to their strong Q3 results and the optimistic long-term outlook from Morgan Stanley, bolstered by the positive impact of th... Read More