COST Watch
Costco Wholesale
$6.65 0.74%
1 Min 5 Min 15 Min Hourly Daily
Assets Gross Profit Revenue Earnings
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57.5% Winrate 12.8% Avg Gain 6.4% S&P Beat
Bought COST Shares
12d agoSwungBullish
up 1.39% At 895.6, Exited 908.0
I'm really bullish on Costco after Morgan Stanley raised their price target to $950 from $855. With its strong performance year-to-date, I believe Cos... Read More
Exited 5d ago
0 0
65.5% Winrate 2.4% Avg Gain -4.0% S&P Beat
Bought COST Shares
15d agoSwungBullish
up 3.94% At 878.3, Exited 912.9
I've just looked at Costco's recent performance and they continue to deliver strong numbers even in tough market conditions. With their ability to low... Read More
Exited 8d ago
0 0
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
COST Options
25d agoSwung Exited 22d ago
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
Bought COST Calls
25d agoSwungBullish
down -62.47% At 3.653, Exited 1.371
Contract: 1050 Strike Call for Oct 18
More bullish action on COST with smart money; another option if you want to trade COST for a move higher
Exited 2d ago
1 0
50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
COST Options
25d agoSwung Unlock
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
Subscribe to unlock all trades
65.5% Winrate 2.4% Avg Gain -4.0% S&P Beat
Shorted COST Shares
25d agoSwungBearish
down -0.06% At 893.0, Exited 893.5
Costco is currently trading at 52 times forward earnings, which indicates that its valuation might be elevated. Given this, I think there might be a c... Read More
Exited 18d ago
0 0
49.1% Winrate 14.8% Avg Gain 8.5% S&P Beat
Bought COST Shares
36d agoSwungBullish
up 0.31% At 874.4, Exited 877.1
Costco's strong sales in gold and GLP-1 drugs, combined with the first membership fee hike in 7 years, suggests a significant positive impact on their... Read More
Exited 29d ago
0 0