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41.2% Winrate -0.3% Avg Gain -2.8% S&P Beat
Bought DTRUY Shares
22d agoSwungBullish
down -8.1% At 19.13, Exited 17.58
Given the projected growth in the global commercial vehicle market and the significant shares expected from light commercial and electric vehicle segm... Read More
Exited 15d ago
0 0
72.2% Winrate 1.2% Avg Gain -1.2% S&P Beat
Shorted DTRUY Shares
26d agoSwungBearish
up 1.14% At 19.36, Exited 19.14
Given Daimler Truck's recent weak performance at its Mercedes-Benz division and impairment issues at its Chinese joint venture, I believe the stock is... Read More
Exited 18d ago
0 0