EQT Watch
$0.1 0.29%
1 Min 5 Min 15 Min Hourly Daily
Assets Gross Profit Revenue Earnings
Chart Sentiment News Fundamentals About
25.0% Winrate -22.3% Avg Gain -21.8% S&P Beat
Bought EQT Calls
2d agoDaytradedBullish
down -52.26% At 0.532, Exited 0.254
Contract: 35 Strike Call for Sep 27
looks like money is rotation into Energy and Communications
Exited 1d ago
0 0
65.5% Winrate 2.4% Avg Gain -4.0% S&P Beat
Bought EQT Shares
15d agoSwungBullish
up 2.36% At 32.24, Exited 33.0
I’m optimistic about EQT due to the potential for reduced natural gas oversupply as production gets curtailed and future LNG capacity comes online. Th... Read More
Exited 8d ago
0 0