KBH Watch
KB Home
$-2.41 -2.69%
1 Min 5 Min 15 Min Hourly Daily
Assets Gross Profit Revenue Earnings
Chart Sentiment News Fundamentals About
50.0% Winrate -0.1% Avg Gain -2.6% S&P Beat
Shorted KBH Shares
16d agoSwungBearish
down -1.79% At 78.35, Exited 79.75
Given the recent bearish options activity and concerns over high mortgage rates affecting builder confidence, I believe KB Home's stock is likely to d... Read More
Exited 9d ago
0 0
28.1% Winrate -16.8% Avg Gain -23.2% S&P Beat
Bought KBH Puts
23d agoInvestedBearish
down -52.65% At 2.925, Exited 1.385
Contract: 80.0 Strike Put for Oct 18
I just purchased $629.7K in KB Home puts with a strike price of $80 and expiration date of 2024-10-18. Despite recent upbeat Q2 earnings reports, sign... Read More
Exited 3d ago
0 0