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90.0% Winrate 8.7% Avg Gain 6.0% S&P Beat
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49.1% Winrate 14.8% Avg Gain 8.5% S&P Beat
Bought LYFT Shares
35d agoInvestedBullish
up 11.04% At 11.23, Now 12.47
Lyft has been performing well, moving towards profitability, and could be an acquisition target if it stays low. With a new CEO from Amazon and a stro... Read More
66.7% Winrate 11.7% Avg Gain 5.4% S&P Beat
Bought LYFT Shares
35d agoInvestedBullish
up 11.04% At 11.23, Now 12.47
I'm bullish on Lyft because it's one of the only successful rideshare companies in the US, reported good numbers, and has potential acquisition intere... Read More