MT Watch
$-0.38 -1.56%
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71.4% Winrate 1.4% Avg Gain -1.0% S&P Beat
Bought MT Shares
24d agoSwungBullish
down -6.84% At 23.6797, Exited 22.06
ArcelorMittal's recent acquisition of Italpannelli units in Italy and Spain, alongside advancements in green steel and CO2 capture technologies, posit... Read More
Exited 17d ago
0 0
73.7% Winrate 2.6% Avg Gain 0.1% S&P Beat
Bought MT Shares
33d agoSwungBullish
up 3.24% At 22.72, Exited 23.455
Given ArcelorMittal's (MT) substantial stake acquisition in Vallourec, advancements in CO2 capture technology, and the growing metal recycling market,... Read More
Exited 26d ago
0 0