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65.5% Winrate 2.4% Avg Gain -4.0% S&P Beat
Bought NVS Shares
16d agoSwungBullish
down -1.11% At 116.5, Exited 115.2
I'm currently bullish on Novartis. Despite Goldman Sachs' warning, I think the recent rally is sustainable and the stock is positioned well with a nic... Read More
Exited 9d ago
0 0
70.0% Winrate 1.5% Avg Gain -0.2% S&P Beat
Shorted NVS Shares
19d agoSwungBearish
up 2.93% At 120.9, Exited 117.3
Given the expected growth in the respiratory drugs market driven by increasing prevalence of respiratory disorders and Novartis' strong presence in th... Read More
Exited 11d ago
0 0
39.4% Winrate -6.6% Avg Gain -13.0% S&P Beat
Bought NVS Calls
27d agoSwungBullish
up 19.58% At 9.901, Exited 11.84
Contract: 110 Strike Call for Oct 18
Given the strong growth projections in both the targeted therapeutics and organ transplant markets, NVS is well-positioned to capitalize on these tren... Read More
Exited 19d ago
0 0
57.4% Winrate -3.6% Avg Gain -10.0% S&P Beat
Bought NVS Shares
30d agoSwungBullish
up 2.15% At 117.8, Exited 120.3
Given the strong growth projections in both the targeted therapeutics and organ transplant markets, NVS is well-positioned to capitalize on these tren... Read More
Exited 22d ago
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