OPEN Watch
Opendoor Technologies
$-0.1 -4.57%
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53.4% Winrate 14.3% Avg Gain 11.9% S&P Beat
OPEN Options
10d agoSwung Unlock
some % entered at Buy it
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53.4% Winrate 14.3% Avg Gain 11.9% S&P Beat
Bought OPEN Calls
24d agoSwungBullish
down -14.53% At 0.351, Now 0.3
Contract: 3 Strike Call for Jan 17, 25
Going with my long position on $OPEN . I think $3+ comes
53.4% Winrate 14.3% Avg Gain 11.9% S&P Beat
Bought OPEN Shares
26d agoSwungBullish
up 1.75% At 2.28, Exited 2.32
Open chart looks great. This will provide good returns under a rate cut environment
Exited 8d ago
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