QQQM Watch
Invesco NASDAQ 100 ETF
$-4.83 -2.34%
1 Min 5 Min 15 Min Hourly Daily
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44.6% Winrate 16.3% Avg Gain 131.4% S&P Beat
Bought QQQM Shares
12d agoInvestedBullish
down -7.57% At 217.5, Now 201.1
I'm really confident in QQQM as it focuses on the top tech stocks on the NASDAQ. Given its strong historical performance and my belief in technology's... Read More
43.9% Winrate 14.3% Avg Gain 456.7% S&P Beat
Shorted QQQM Shares
57d agoSwungBearish
down -0.27% At 212.1, Exited 212.7
I'm shorting QQQM as I believe it's poised for a downturn given my current market analysis and sentiment. The recent volatility in the tech sector, co... Read More
Exited 50d ago
0 0
44.6% Winrate 16.3% Avg Gain 131.4% S&P Beat
Bought QQQM Shares
58d agoSwungBullish
down -2.52% At 213.3, Exited 207.9
I believe that adding QQQM to my portfolio could really enhance my exposure to the tech sector. Given the current market trends and the potential for ... Read More
Exited 51d ago
0 0
44.6% Winrate 16.3% Avg Gain 131.4% S&P Beat
Bought QQQM Shares
176d agoInvestedBullish
up 13.21% At 192.7, Exited 218.1
I'm really leaning towards QQQM because its newer status and lower expense ratio make it attractive for long-term growth in my Roth IRA. Many others s... Read More
Exited 85d ago
0 0
47.0% Winrate 5.8% Avg Gain 16.6% S&P Beat
Bought QQQM Shares
189d agoInvestedBullish
up 6.1% At 196.0, Exited 208.0
Given the long-term nature of my portfolio and the potential growth in the tech sector, adding QQQM seems wise. It's more cost-effective than QQQ and ... Read More
Exited 99d ago
0 0
59.3% Winrate 5.7% Avg Gain -12.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQM Shares
1.2y agoInvestedBullish
up 10.25% At 165.7, Exited 182.7
Exited 341d ago
0 0
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