SBUX Watch
$-0.87 -0.9%
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75.0% Winrate 2.7% Avg Gain -2.0% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Shares
10d agoInvestedBullish
down -2.29% At 98.2, Now 95.95
I believe that with the recent appointment of a turnaround-savvy CEO and the potential for growth in Starbucks' operations, the stock is poised for re... Read More
71.4% Winrate 2.1% Avg Gain -0.4% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Shares
32d agoInvestedBullish
up 3.27% At 93.01, Now 96.05
I am purchasing SBUX stock because the appointment of Brian Niccol as CEO presents a significant turnaround opportunity. His proven track record at Ch... Read More
85.1% Winrate 4.0% Avg Gain -7.1% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Shares
31d agoInvestedBullish
up 3.52% At 92.78, Now 96.05
With the appointment of Brian Niccol as the new CEO, I am confident in Starbucks' potential for long-term turnaround and growth, despite recent financ... Read More
28.1% Winrate -16.8% Avg Gain -23.2% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Calls
18d agoInvestedBullish
down -2.83% At 5.403, Now 5.25
Contract: 97.5 Strike Call for Jan 17, 25
Amid the turbulence of ongoing securities fraud lawsuits and recent disappointing earnings at Starbucks, the new leadership under CEO Brian Niccol off... Read More
49.4% Winrate 15.2% Avg Gain 12.1% S&P Beat
SBUX Options
23d agoSwung Exited 22d ago
some % entered at Buy it
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56.0% Winrate 6.3% Avg Gain -0.1% S&P Beat
Shorted SBUX Shares
26d agoSwungBearish
up 1.03% At 95.58, Exited 94.6
Starbucks has a lot of issues to fix and no longer holds the same appeal as before. The stock seems overvalued at its current level given the issues w... Read More
Exited 19d ago
0 0
39.4% Winrate -6.6% Avg Gain -13.0% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Puts
27d agoSwungBearish
down -58.88% At 0.715, Exited 0.294
Contract: 88 Strike Put for Sep 27
Considering Starbucks' weaker-than-expected Q2 results, reduced full-year guidance, and competitive pressures from Dutch Bros, I expect SBUX to face d... Read More
Exited 26d ago
0 0
57.4% Winrate -3.6% Avg Gain -10.0% S&P Beat
Shorted SBUX Shares
27d agoSwungBearish
down -0.49% At 94.14, Exited 94.6
Considering Starbucks' weaker-than-expected Q2 results, reduced full-year guidance, and competitive pressures from Dutch Bros, I expect SBUX to face d... Read More
Exited 19d ago
0 0
56.0% Winrate 6.3% Avg Gain -0.1% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Shares
30d agoSwungBullish
up 2.88% At 92.84, Exited 95.51
Given the atypical 24% increase in Starbucks' stock price post-CEO change, and the historical trend that major CEO transitions often result in further... Read More
Exited 23d ago
0 0
39.4% Winrate -6.6% Avg Gain -13.0% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Calls
32d agoSwungBullish
down -25.93% At 0.135, Exited 0.1
Contract: 110 Strike Call for Sep 20
Given Starbucks' weaker-than-expected Q2 results, ongoing investigation, and CEO transition, I expect continued volatility and downward pressure on th... Read More
Exited 25d ago
0 0
57.4% Winrate -3.6% Avg Gain -10.0% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Puts
32d agoSwungBearish
down -23.39% At 10.051, Exited 7.7
Contract: 100 Strike Put for Dec 20
Given Starbucks' weaker-than-expected Q2 results, ongoing investigation, and CEO transition, I expect continued volatility and downward pressure on th... Read More
Exited 25d ago
0 0
56.0% Winrate 6.3% Avg Gain -0.1% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Shares
34d agoInvestedBullish
up 1.17% At 94.9429, Now 96.05
With the new CEO from Chipotle taking over at Starbucks, I believe SBUX has strong potential for long-term growth. His proven track record at Chipotle... Read More
28.6% Winrate -3.2% Avg Gain -9.6% S&P Beat
Shorted SBUX Shares
35d agoInvestedBearish
down -1.29% At 94.83, Now 96.05
With Brian Niccol as CEO, Starbucks is likely heading for a slump. His history and Starbucks' loyal customer base might make it a risky long-term bet.
70.0% Winrate 3.0% Avg Gain -3.4% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Shares
35d agoInvestedBullish
up 1.29% At 94.83, Now 96.05
With the appointment of Brian Niccol, the CEO of Chipotle, to lead Starbucks, I believe the company is poised for a significant turnaround. Niccol's t... Read More
71.1% Winrate 1.6% Avg Gain -4.8% S&P Beat
Shorted SBUX Shares
35d agoSwungBearish
up 0.81% At 94.83, Exited 94.065
The market's high growth and margin expectations for Starbucks under the new CEO are overly optimistic. I believe that the stock is overvalued and wil... Read More
Exited 26d ago
0 0
44.4% Winrate 2.7% Avg Gain -3.7% S&P Beat
Shorted SBUX Shares
36d agoSwungBearish
up 0.81% At 94.83, Exited 94.065
Considering the sharp 24.5% rise in Starbucks' stock due to the CEO change and the possibility of this being an overreaction, I'm looking to short SBU... Read More
Exited 26d ago
0 0
28.6% Winrate -3.2% Avg Gain -9.6% S&P Beat
Shorted SBUX Shares
36d agoSwungBearish
up 0.81% At 94.83, Exited 94.065
With Brian Niccol's appointment, Starbucks might struggle, and optimism could be misplaced. The stock's rise may be a temporary blip; it’s a shaky bet... Read More
Exited 26d ago
0 0
70.0% Winrate 3.0% Avg Gain -3.4% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Shares
36d agoSwungBullish
down -0.81% At 94.83, Exited 94.065
With the appointment of Brian Niccol, Starbucks is poised for a turnaround and should become a model for success. The stock soared on the news, highli... Read More
Exited 26d ago
0 0
71.1% Winrate 1.6% Avg Gain -4.8% S&P Beat
Shorted SBUX Shares
36d agoInvestedBearish
down -1.29% At 94.83, Now 96.05
Starbucks' current valuation seems overly optimistic given the modest growth and margin improvements projected. The market's high expectations for the... Read More
65.5% Winrate 2.4% Avg Gain -4.0% S&P Beat
Bought SBUX Shares
38d agoInvestedBullish
down -0.28% At 96.32, Now 96.05
With the new CEO, Brian Nickel, taking over at Starbucks, I believe the changes and leadership will drive significant improvements in operations and s... Read More