SCHW Watch
The Charles Schwab
$0.61 0.94%
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50.8% Winrate 10.8% Avg Gain 8.4% S&P Beat
SCHW Options
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76.0% Winrate 3.1% Avg Gain 0.6% S&P Beat
Bought SCHW Shares
17d agoInvestedBullish
up 2.26% At 63.9, Now 65.345
Given Charles Schwab's recent decline and oversold status, coupled with the bullish sentiment in options trading, I view this as a strategic opportuni... Read More
65.5% Winrate 2.4% Avg Gain -4.0% S&P Beat
Bought SCHW Shares
17d agoSwungBullish
down -0.8% At 63.92, Exited 63.41
I've been looking at Charles Schwab, and with JP Morgan calling it one of their top picks, it feels like a solid opportunity. At 17 times earnings, it... Read More
Exited 10d ago
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