SNAP Watch
$-0.01 -0.1%
1 Min 5 Min 15 Min Hourly Daily
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28.1% Winrate -16.8% Avg Gain -23.2% S&P Beat
Bought SNAP Puts
12d agoInvestedBearish
down -50.89% At 0.9, Exited 0.442
Contract: 8.0 Strike Put for Dec 20
I recently invested $557.69K in SNAP puts with a strike of $8.00, expiring on 2024-12-20, following news that Snap's stock has plunged nearly 90% from... Read More
Exited 2d ago
0 0
56.0% Winrate 6.3% Avg Gain -0.1% S&P Beat
Shorted SNAP Shares
15d agoSwungBearish
down -6.21% At 8.86, Exited 9.41
With the recent lawsuit filed against Snap regarding severe allegations about child safety and exploitation, I believe this will negatively impact use... Read More
Exited 8d ago
0 0
53.4% Winrate 14.3% Avg Gain 11.9% S&P Beat
Bought SNAP Shares
33d agoInvestedBullish
up 0.38% At 9.21, Exited 9.245
Snap has been consolidated / range trading 8/9-12/17 area. I think buying the bottom of this range and DCA’ing into $SNAP could be a good idea.
Exited 9d ago
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