SPGI Watch
S&P Global
$-1.15 -0.22%
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85.1% Winrate 4.0% Avg Gain -7.1% S&P Beat
Bought SPGI Shares
31d agoInvestedBullish
up 4.95% At 499.0, Now 523.7
Given the strong issuance activity and optimistic outlook for rating agencies, coupled with Morgan Stanley's raised price targets, I believe SPGI is p... Read More
71.1% Winrate 1.6% Avg Gain -4.8% S&P Beat
Bought SPGI Shares
24d agoSwungBullish
up 0.95% At 505.4, Exited 510.2
SPGI has been consistently outperforming VOO, suggesting strong fundamentals and growth potential. Holding SPGI shares seems like a profitable decisio... Read More
Exited 17d ago
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