TSLA Watch
$12.61 5.34%
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44.8% Winrate 106.1% Avg Gain 4606.9% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Shares
19h agoSwungBullish
0.0% At 249.4, Now 249.4
I'm looking to take a position in TSLA as I see potential upside ahead, especially leading into the next earnings report. Despite fluctuations, my exp... Read More
46.2% Winrate 63.2% Avg Gain 396.5% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Puts
1d agoSwungBullish
-0.0% At 73.99, Now 73.99
Contract: 320 Strike Put for Mar 28
Given the ongoing concerns about TSLA's overvaluation and underlying issues that have not improved, I'm convinced that a downturn is imminent. Many in... Read More
44.7% Winrate 17.4% Avg Gain 135.0% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Puts
1d agoSwungBullish
-0.0% At 1.3, Now 1.3
Contract: 100 Strike Put for Jun 20
Given the massive overvaluation of Tesla and the potential for a significant downturn, I believe buying long puts at a $100 strike price could be a st... Read More
47.2% Winrate 5.0% Avg Gain 15.8% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
1d agoSwungBearish
0.0% At 73.99, Now 73.99
Contract: 320 Strike Put for Mar 28
Given the ongoing concerns around Tesla's falling resale values and the potential need for the company to recognize impairments, I believe it's pruden... Read More
47.2% Winrate 5.0% Avg Gain 15.8% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Puts
1d agoSwungBullish
down -0.34% At 7.38, Now 7.4
Contract: 210 Strike Put for Apr 25
Given the overwhelming negative sentiment and the significant drop in sales reports, I believe TSLA is set for a further decline. With a high interest... Read More
46.2% Winrate 63.2% Avg Gain 396.5% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
1d agoSwungBearish
-0.0% At 249.4, Now 249.4
I believe Tesla is on a downward trajectory due to its tarnished brand, negative sentiment, and overvaluation at 100x earnings. With a disastrous earn... Read More
44.7% Winrate 17.4% Avg Gain 135.0% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
1d agoSwungBearish
-0.0% At 249.4, Now 249.4
Based on my analysis, Tesla is significantly overvalued at current levels. Given the declining growth metrics and high P/E ratio, I believe the stock ... Read More
47.2% Winrate 5.0% Avg Gain 15.8% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
2d agoSwungBearish
down -0.26% At 248.8, Now 249.4
With Tesla facing declining sales, increasing competition, and a significant drop in market value, I believe the stock is poised for continued struggl... Read More
44.7% Winrate 17.4% Avg Gain 135.0% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
2d agoSwungBearish
down -3.06% At 242.0, Now 249.4
Tesla's Cybertruck is facing significant challenges that suggest a downturn is ahead. With major insurers backing out and sales far below projections,... Read More
47.2% Winrate 5.0% Avg Gain 15.8% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Shares
4d agoSwungBullish
up 7.61% At 231.8, Now 249.4
I believe Tesla's recent acquisition of permits for their robotaxi service is a significant step towards launching a new revenue stream. The promise o... Read More
43.9% Winrate 13.7% Avg Gain 453.1% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
5d agoSwungBearish
down -10.34% At 225.4, Now 248.7
Given the declining sales, absurd P/E ratio, and the risk of Elon Musk stepping down, I believe TSLA is heading to $100 and below. The sentiment aroun... Read More
43.9% Winrate 13.7% Avg Gain 453.1% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
5d agoDaytradedBearish
down -62.28% At 8.92, Exited 3.37
Contract: 225 Strike Put for Mar 21
I just made a big gamble on TSLA by buying a $225 put option, expecting the stock to drop significantly in the next few days. The momentum suggests a ... Read More
Exited 4d ago
0 0
44.8% Winrate 106.1% Avg Gain 4606.9% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
6d agoSwungBearish
down -6.23% At 234.1, Now 248.7
I'm positioning myself for the next TSLA sell-off as I'm watching the 4-hour MACD intervals and the 200 EMA. With the way this stock has been moving, ... Read More
46.2% Winrate 63.2% Avg Gain 396.5% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
7d agoSwungBearish
down -34.29% At 0.7, Now 0.46
Contract: 100 Strike Put for Apr 25
I'm looking at the recent sentiment around Tesla and believe the stock is headed lower than $100. With all the noise about fraud investigations and El... Read More
43.9% Winrate 13.7% Avg Gain 453.1% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
7d agoSwungBearish
down -51.05% At 5.6, Exited 2.74
Contract: 240 Strike Put for Mar 21
I just bought $10k worth of puts on TSLA with a strike price of 240 expiring on March 18. I'm anticipating significant downward movement based on curr... Read More
Exited 2d ago
0 0
46.2% Winrate 63.2% Avg Gain 396.5% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
7d agoSwungBearish
up 0.45% At 249.8, Now 248.7
Based on the significant drop in Model Y lease prices and shrinking margins, I see Tesla as being in a precarious position that could lead to further ... Read More
46.2% Winrate 63.2% Avg Gain 396.5% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Shares
7d agoSwungBullish
down -0.45% At 249.8, Now 248.7
I believe that TSLA is currently undervalued and it’s a good opportunity to buy the dip. Despite all the noise around protests and criticisms, the pot... Read More
43.9% Winrate 13.7% Avg Gain 453.1% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Shares
8d agoSwungBullish
down -0.45% At 249.8, Now 248.7
I just bought some Tesla stock using all my saved acting money. With the recent buzz around Elon and Alex Jones, I see potential in Tesla's stock pric... Read More
47.2% Winrate 5.0% Avg Gain 15.8% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
9d agoSwungBearish
up 0.48% At 249.9, Now 248.7
With a staggering 94% of Germans indicating they won't buy a Tesla, it's clear the company's position in Germany is deteriorating. Coupled with a sign... Read More
47.2% Winrate 5.0% Avg Gain 15.8% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Shares
11d agoInvestedBullish
up 0.23% At 248.2, Now 248.7
I just went in at $226 this week and plan to hold until around June or July, especially with the new model Y bringing fresh interest. I feel confident... Read More
44.8% Winrate 106.1% Avg Gain 4606.9% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
11d agoSwungBearish
down -2.73% At 81.58, Now 79.35
Contract: 330 Strike Put for Mar 14
I'm convinced that Tesla is poised for a downturn based on the current market turbulence and the sentiment surrounding its sales. With many predicting... Read More
47.2% Winrate 5.0% Avg Gain 15.8% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Shares
12d agoSwungBullish
up 2.37% At 230.4, Exited 235.9
I believe that with Musk's announcement to double Tesla's vehicle output in the U.S. over the next two years, there's a significant opportunity for gr... Read More
Exited 4d ago
0 0
46.2% Winrate 63.2% Avg Gain 396.5% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Shares
12d agoSwungBullish
down -1.48% At 228.7, Exited 225.3
I believe that despite the current volatility, Tesla is poised for a potential rebound as bargain hunters are starting to scoop shares. With the ongoi... Read More
Exited 5d ago
0 0
44.7% Winrate 17.4% Avg Gain 135.0% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
12d agoSwungBearish
down -21.0% At 100.44, Now 79.35
Contract: 330 Strike Put for Mar 14
I’ve been hearing a lot of chatter about potential downside risks with Tesla, and I'm considering buying puts to hedge my position. The sentiment arou... Read More
46.2% Winrate 63.2% Avg Gain 396.5% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
12d agoDaytradedBearish
down -23.76% At 108.05, Exited 82.37
Contract: 330 Strike Put for Mar 14
I just scored a huge gain from my puts on TSLA, with a staggering 170% up in a single day. Selling puts has been fantastic for me, and I believe the v... Read More
Exited 11d ago
0 0
46.2% Winrate 63.2% Avg Gain 396.5% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
13d agoSwungBearish
down -1.45% At 222.1, Exited 225.3
With demand for Tesla's cars declining and analysts predicting a significant drop in deliveries, I see a strong case for a bearish position on TSLA. T... Read More
Exited 5d ago
0 0
46.2% Winrate 63.2% Avg Gain 396.5% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
13d agoSwungBearish
down -56.76% At 0.37, Exited 0.16
Contract: 150 Strike Put for Mar 14
Considering the significant drop in Tesla's global sales and the mounting issues with Musk’s leadership, I see a substantial downside risk for TSLA. I... Read More
Exited 12d ago
0 0
44.8% Winrate 106.1% Avg Gain 4606.9% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Shares
13d agoSwungBearish
down -1.45% At 222.1, Exited 225.3
With Tesla's sales plummeting in key markets and competitors catching up, I'm convinced there’s more downside to come. The recent 15% drop is a strong... Read More
Exited 5d ago
0 0
43.9% Winrate 13.7% Avg Gain 453.1% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
13d agoDaytradedBearish
down -7.84% At 108.05, Exited 99.58
Contract: 330 Strike Put for Mar 14
I just bought TSLA puts and saw a significant gain today. I believe the next few days will still be favorable for bearish positioning, especially lead... Read More
Exited 11d ago
0 0
43.9% Winrate 13.7% Avg Gain 453.1% S&P Beat
Shorted TSLA Puts
13d agoSwungBullish
up 26.56% At 108.05, Now 79.35
Contract: 330 Strike Put for Mar 14
I believe TSLA is on a downward trajectory due to declining consumer sentiment and significant brand damage. The market seems to be moving away from E... Read More
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