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29.7% Winrate -12.9% Avg Gain -56.1% S&P Beat
Bought XYZ Puts
29d agoInvestedBearish
up 12.62% At 6.73, Now 7.58
Contract: 60.0 Strike Put for Sep 19
I recently invested 820.8K in XYZ puts with a strike of 60.0, expiring on 2025-09-19, anticipating further declines after Block, Inc. faced heavy scru... Read More
21.3% Winrate -10.8% Avg Gain -100.9% S&P Beat
Bought XYZ Shares
33d agoDaytradedBullish
down -15.57% At 70.16, Now 59.24
21.3% Winrate -10.8% Avg Gain -100.9% S&P Beat
Bought XYZ Shares
33d agoDaytradedBullish
down -15.63% At 70.21, Now 59.24
40.9% Winrate 60.3% Avg Gain 438.2% S&P Beat
Bought XYZ Shares
33d agoDaytradedBullish
down -14.83% At 77.4, Exited 65.92
gap fill to $74 coming.
Exited 30d ago
0 0
40.9% Winrate 60.3% Avg Gain 438.2% S&P Beat
Bought XYZ Shares
37d agoSwungBullish
down -21.62% At 84.1, Exited 65.92
Gap fill to $74 level or $84++ possible by Friday.
Exited 30d ago
0 0
47.3% Winrate 5.0% Avg Gain 15.8% S&P Beat
Bought XYZ Shares
50d agoInvestedBullish
down -35.01% At 91.15, Now 59.24
I'm very bullish on XYZ for the long term, seeing it as heavily undervalued compared to its historical multiples. With explosive revenue growth and st... Read More
48.9% Winrate 2.7% Avg Gain 43.9% S&P Beat
Bought XYZ Shares
59d agoSwungBullish
up 1.89% At 88.53, Exited 90.2
Bull flag setup on the weekly candle chart.
Exited 51d ago
0 0
Posted 62d ago 6.95% Scalped Bearish Exited
65.5% Winrate -2.4% Avg Gain -59.4% S&P Beat
SYMB Locked Data
62d agoScalped Exited 62d ago
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
44.6% Winrate 105.9% Avg Gain 4606.9% S&P Beat
Shorted XYZ Shares
88d agoDaytradedBearish
-0.0% At 3.0, Exited 3.0
I just shorted XYZ after noticing a failed breakout which signals weakness in price action. I believe the stock will struggle to regain previous highs... Read More
Exited 86d ago
0 0
43.8% Winrate 13.5% Avg Gain 453.1% S&P Beat
Bought XYZ Shares
169d agoSwungBullish
0.0% At 3.0, Exited 3.0
I'm thinking of buying shares ahead of the 'legend awakens' event on the 16th. I believe we'll see a price spike to the 27-28 range leading up to this... Read More
Exited 162d ago
0 0
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