Monotheist 🕋 Allah is my creator . Ibrahim., Moses , Jesus .Muhammad (AS) are my prophets ❤️🙏🏾
Joined August 2024
Past Performance
73 # Trades 68.5% Win Rate 12.6% Avg Gain 919.8% Total Gains 11.4% S&P Beat
68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
SPY Options
1d agoSwung Exited 1d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
SPY Options
1d agoSwung Exited 1d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
Bought GME Puts
1d agoSwungBearish
down -56.7% At 1.501, Now 0.65
Contract: 21.5 Strike Put for Sep 27
68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
SPY Options
1d agoScalped Exited 1d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
Shorted GME Shares
1d agoSwungBearish
down -11.26% At 19.53, Now 21.7299
68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
Shorted UAL Shares
1d agoSwungBearish
up 0.18% At 52.5, Now 52.4066
68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
PYPL Shares
1d agoSwung Exited 1d ago
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
AFRM Shares
1d agoSwung Unlock
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
DAL Shares
1d agoSwung Unlock
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
CARR Shares
1d agoSwung Unlock
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
K Shares
1d agoSwung Unlock
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
TSLA Options
2d agoSwung Exited 1d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
SOXL Options
2d agoSwung Exited 1d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
AMD Options
2d agoSwung Exited 1d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
SPY Options
2d agoScalped Exited 2d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
META Options
2d agoSwung Unlock
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
SPY Options
2d agoScalped Exited 2d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
TSLA Options
3d agoScalped Exited 3d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
NVDA Options
3d agoSwung Exited 3d ago
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This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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68.5% Winrate 12.6% Avg Gain 11.4% S&P Beat
AMZN Options
3d agoScalped Exited 3d ago
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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