*Disclaimer: Any trades taken after 2:30pm EST you may want to add +1 to 3 days expiration based on your risk model as market makers can set up plays into economic events that take more time to unfold. I trade without latency because I am the principal trader, you trade with lag time and latency as my trades have to be dispersed through the app. This may or may not be compatible with the speed of my trades and your ability to capitalize on following such an active trading style.
162 # Trades 82.1% Win Rate 14.0% Avg Gain 546.0% Total Gains 542.4% S&P Beat
Strong vs S&P 500
Performance Past performance of Strong based on all the trades they've made
Performance Overview Strong's performance vs an average trader performance
Trade Returns Percentage return for each trade
Hold Times For trades that have been closed
Trade Type Timeframe Sentiment
Options, shares Day trade, swing, etc Bullish, bearish