This is the official blotter account for use in discord.
Joined August 2024
Past Performance
2 # Trades 0.0% Win Rate -52.9% Avg Gain -105.8% Total Gains -53.8% S&P Beat
0% Winrate -52.9% Avg Gain -53.8% S&P Beat
Bought SPY Puts
12d agoDaytradedBearish
down -53.72% At 0.659, Exited 0.305
Contract: 542 Strike Put for Sep 09
@stocksandrealestate on twitter said market is going to crash. Lets see how it does.
Exited 12d ago
0 0
0% Winrate -52.9% Avg Gain -53.8% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Puts
26d agoSwungBearish
down -52.0% At 5.15, Exited 2.472
Contract: 120 Strike Put for Sep 06
@stocksandreales on twitter said he's buying 100k worth of puts for Nvidia's earnings. Just trying to track his trade and see how it goes.
Exited 23d ago
0 0