Joined June 2024
Past Performance
7 # Trades 71.4% Win Rate 17.5% Avg Gain 122.5% Total Gains 11.1% S&P Beat
71.4% Winrate 17.5% Avg Gain 11.1% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Shares
39d agoInvestedBullish
up 2.77% At 112.9, Now 116.0
doubling down on NVDA, I think another wave is right around the cornerrn
71.4% Winrate 17.5% Avg Gain 11.1% S&P Beat
Bought SPY Puts
46d agoSwungBearish
down -79.23% At 11.476, Exited 2.384
Contract: 522 Strike Put for Aug 30
Exited 39d ago
0 0
71.4% Winrate 17.5% Avg Gain 11.1% S&P Beat
Shorted GME Shares
100d agoSwungBearish
up 16.09% At 26.04, Now 21.85
Shorting gme as i think it is just in a slow selloff phase now
71.4% Winrate 17.5% Avg Gain 11.1% S&P Beat
Shorted AAPL Shares
101d agoDaytradedBearish
up 1.79% At 217.7, Exited 213.8
I think Apple has hit its peak now and will go down
Exited 101d ago
1 0
71.4% Winrate 17.5% Avg Gain 11.1% S&P Beat
GME Options
101d agoDaytraded Exited 101d ago
some % entered at Buy it
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71.4% Winrate 17.5% Avg Gain 11.1% S&P Beat
GME Options
101d agoDaytraded Exited 101d ago
some % entered at Buy it
This is a test thesis that is a placeholder for paid trades. Once you unlock this trade, you will see the actual thesis. Thank you, dont try to cheat!
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71.4% Winrate 17.5% Avg Gain 11.1% S&P Beat
Bought AAPL Calls
102d agoDaytradedBullish
up 179.46% At 5.6, Exited 15.65
Contract: 202.5 Strike Call for Jun 14
Expecting major GenAI announcements from apple in tomorrow WWDC, buying a few contracts expiring end of week
Exited 101d ago
0 0