AA Watch
$-1.06 -3.04%
1 Min 5 Min 15 Min Hourly Daily
Assets Gross Profit Revenue Earnings
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68.8% Winrate 3.7% Avg Gain 1.3% S&P Beat
Bought AA Shares
17d agoSwungBullish
down -7.3% At 30.42, Exited 28.2
Given the bullish sentiment surrounding Alcoa (AA), driven by growing demand in the aluminum market and strategic upgrades from analysts, I believe th... Read More
Exited 10d ago
0 0
58.8% Winrate 1.6% Avg Gain -1.2% S&P Beat
Bought AA Shares
62d agoInvestedBullish
down -2.03% At 34.53, Now 33.83
Given the bullish sentiment and strong earnings report, alongside the anticipated growth in the automotive aluminum market, I invested in Alcoa (AA). ... Read More