Joined October 2024
240 # Trades 47.1% Win Rate 3.5% Avg Gain 7.4% Total Gains -23.8% S&P Beat
Thomas vs S&P 500
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought CLF Calls
283d agoInvestedBullish
down -99.93% At 14.91, Now 0.01
Contract: 20.0 Strike Call for Jan 17
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought GILD Puts
283d agoInvestedBearish
down -99.98% At 65.06, Now 0.01
Contract: 70.0 Strike Put for Nov 15, 24
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought KEY Shares
283d agoInvestedBullish
up 20.88% At 13.36, Now 16.15
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought ADBE Puts
283d agoInvestedBearish
down -90.73% At 525.31, Now 48.68
Contract: 500.0 Strike Put for Dec 20, 24
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought XBI Shares
283d agoInvestedBullish
down -5.05% At 91.75, Now 87.12
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought ARKK Calls
283d agoInvestedBullish
down -81.19% At 43.87, Now 8.25
Contract: 51.0 Strike Call for Dec 20, 24
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought GOLD Calls
283d agoInvestedBullish
down -99.94% At 16.03, Now 0.01
Contract: 20.0 Strike Call for Jan 17
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought CCJ Shares
283d agoInvestedBullish
down -14.2% At 51.9, Now 44.53
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought INTC Shares
283d agoInvestedBullish
down -20.33% At 30.45, Now 24.26
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought CLF Shares
283d agoInvestedBullish
down -36.82% At 14.91, Now 9.42
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought SOLV Shares
283d agoInvestedBullish
up 35.58% At 54.56, Now 73.97
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought QCOM Puts
313d agoInvestedBearish
down -99.85% At 194.61, Now 0.29
Contract: 150.0 Strike Put for Dec 20, 24
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought CCL Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
up 40.92% At 14.86, Now 20.94
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought KMB Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -1.81% At 134.1, Exited 131.7
Exited 129d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought CBSH Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -11.33% At 56.88, Exited 50.44
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought BRO Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
up 2.05% At 88.7, Exited 90.52
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought JKHY Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -5.53% At 167.8, Exited 158.6
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought GILD Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -5.15% At 67.01, Exited 63.56
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought PAC Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -2.41% At 190.8, Now 186.2
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought LULU Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -11.35% At 346.9, Exited 307.5
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought NTES Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -1.73% At 98.76, Now 97.05
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought MSI Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
up 3.2% At 365.0, Exited 376.7
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought NFLX Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
up 6.48% At 613.5, Exited 653.3
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought QLYS Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -7.05% At 148.7, Exited 138.2
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought SWKS Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
up 12.65% At 94.39, Exited 106.33
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought SNPS Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
up 1.09% At 580.2, Exited 586.5
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought TEL Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -0.59% At 151.5, Exited 150.6
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought ODFL Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -5.99% At 183.9, Exited 172.9
Exited 283d ago
0 0
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought AMAT Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
down -30.06% At 217.5, Now 152.1
47.1% Winrate 3.5% Avg Gain -23.8% S&P Beat
Bought ABBV Shares
313d agoInvestedBullish
up 28.22% At 163.8, Now 210.0
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