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49.1% Winrate 14.8% Avg Gain 8.5% S&P Beat
Shorted ASML Shares
20d agoInvestedBearish
up 11.81% At 901.8, Now 795.3
With the Dutch government, heavily influenced by the American government, banning ASML from doing business with China, including maintenance for legac... Read More
57.4% Winrate -3.6% Avg Gain -10.0% S&P Beat
Bought ASML Shares
30d agoSwungBullish
down -0.57% At 911.7, Exited 906.5
Given the recent positive economic data and the rally in semiconductor stocks, coupled with ASML's strong growth potential in AI and tech markets, I b... Read More
Exited 23d ago
0 0
43.6% Winrate 1.4% Avg Gain -1.5% S&P Beat
Shorted ASML Shares
64d agoInvestedBearish
up 14.68% At 932.1, Now 795.3
**Note: There seems to be an error in your data where the timeframe is mentioned. Could you please clarify?**nnHypothesis: ASML is facing headwinds wi... Read More