Joined August 2024
Past Performance
14 # Trades 78.6% Win Rate 21.4% Avg Gain 299.6% Total Gains 20.5% S&P Beat
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Puts
1d agoDaytradedBearish
up 32.23% At 1.21, Exited 1.6
Contract: 481 Strike Put for Sep 20
short into the breakdown area
Exited 1d ago
0 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Calls
1d agoSwungBullish
up 14.87% At 3.16, Now 3.63
Contract: 483 Strike Call for Sep 27
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Calls
2d agoDaytradedBullish
down -32.75% At 0.907, Exited 0.61
Contract: 486 Strike Call for Sep 19
Exited 2d ago
0 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Calls
3d agoDaytradedBullish
up 16.96% At 0.731, Exited 0.855
Contract: 478 Strike Call for Sep 18
Exited 3d ago
0 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought IWM Calls
3d agoDaytradedBullish
down -42.13% At 1.455, Exited 0.842
Contract: 224 Strike Call for Sep 18
Started position
Exited 3d ago
0 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
QQQ Options
11d agoScalped Exited 11d ago
some % entered at Buy it
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78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought TSLA Puts
17d agoScalpedBearish
down -50.41% At 1.833, Exited 0.909
Contract: 210 Strike Put for Sep 06
Short on negative RSI divergence and resistance
Exited 17d ago
2 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Calls
18d agoScalpedBullish
up 24.92% At 1.22, Exited 1.524
Contract: 466 Strike Call for Sep 03
Exited 18d ago
1 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought AMZN Puts
22d agoScalpedBearish
up 3.43% At 0.699, Exited 0.723
Contract: 175 Strike Put for Aug 30
Short bearish engulfing
Exited 22d ago
0 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought OKE Calls
25d agoSwungBullish
up 19.49% At 1.026, Exited 1.226
Contract: 90 Strike Call for Sep 20
Loving this chart, looking for a move over $89.50
Exited 23d ago
1 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Calls
25d agoScalpedBullish
up 24.61% At 1.081, Exited 1.347
Contract: 476 Strike Call for Aug 27
Exited 25d ago
1 1
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Calls
26d agoDaytradedBullish
up 20.52% At 0.697, Exited 0.84
Contract: 477 Strike Call for Aug 26
Long off the flag.
Exited 26d ago
1 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought BHAT Shares
26d agoSwungBullish
up 7.81% At 0.512, Exited 0.552
Inverted hammer on weekly looking for .65+
Exited 25d ago
3 0
78.6% Winrate 21.4% Avg Gain 20.5% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Puts
26d agoDaytradedBearish
up 154.38% At 0.89, Exited 2.264
Contract: 477.0 Strike Put for Aug 26
QQQ looks to be going down from here, buying puts as a day trade.
Exited 26d ago
0 0