CLX Watch
$1.12 0.69%
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28.6% Winrate -3.2% Avg Gain -9.6% S&P Beat
Shorted CLX Shares
35d agoInvestedBearish
down -12.07% At 145.7, Now 163.3
Linda Rendle's management at Clorox hasn't impressed, and I lack faith in her leadership. I’m avoiding Clorox shares for the long term.
70.0% Winrate 3.0% Avg Gain -3.4% S&P Beat
Bought CLX Shares
35d agoInvestedBullish
up 12.07% At 145.7, Now 163.3
Linda Rendle has done a remarkable job managing Clorox, even though she wasn't given the best hand to play with. I believe in her leadership, so I'm b... Read More
28.6% Winrate -3.2% Avg Gain -9.6% S&P Beat
Shorted CLX Shares
36d agoSwungBearish
down -5.4% At 145.4, Exited 153.2
Linda Rendle's leadership at Clorox has faltered amid challenges. I'm skeptical about the strategy, making it a solid candidate to avoid for now.
Exited 26d ago
0 0
70.0% Winrate 3.0% Avg Gain -3.4% S&P Beat
Bought CLX Shares
36d agoSwungBullish
up 5.4% At 145.4, Exited 153.2
Linda Rendle has done a remarkable job in turning around Clorox despite the challenges. I believe in the leadership and strategy, making it a solid bu... Read More
Exited 26d ago
0 0
28.6% Winrate -3.2% Avg Gain -9.6% S&P Beat
Shorted CLX Shares
37d agoInvestedBearish
down -12.89% At 144.7, Now 163.3
Linda Rendle has done a poor job leading Clorox. With all the challenges, she hasn't managed well. I believe Clorox is a strong sell for the long term... Read More
70.0% Winrate 3.0% Avg Gain -3.4% S&P Beat
Bought CLX Shares
37d agoInvestedBullish
up 12.89% At 144.7, Now 163.3
Linda Rendle has done a remarkable job leading Clorox. Despite the challenges, she's managed to steer the company well. I believe Clorox is a strong b... Read More