HSY Watch
The Hershey
$-0.26 -0.13%
1 Min 5 Min 15 Min Hourly Daily
Assets Gross Profit Revenue Earnings
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71.4% Winrate 2.1% Avg Gain -0.4% S&P Beat
Bought HSY Shares
33d agoInvestedBullish
down -1.25% At 197.9, Now 195.4
I believe that despite recent revenue declines and concerns around sales performance, Hershey's strong dividend yield and strategic pricing initiative... Read More
69.4% Winrate 1.4% Avg Gain -1.1% S&P Beat
Shorted HSY Shares
25d agoSwungBearish
-0.0% At 192.5, Exited 192.5
I believe shorting HSY is a prudent move given its recent Q2 earnings miss, downward revenue trajectory, and Citi's reduced price target amid sales co... Read More
Exited 18d ago
0 0
57.9% Winrate 5.2% Avg Gain 2.4% S&P Beat
Shorted HSY Shares
64d agoInvestedBearish
down -0.67% At 194.1, Now 195.4
HSY shows consistent underperformance amid negative market sentiment. With recent trend decline and lower earnings forecast, opportunity to short; lev... Read More