SQ Watch
$-1.17 -1.7%
1 Min 5 Min 15 Min Hourly Daily
Assets Gross Profit Revenue Earnings
Chart Sentiment News Fundamentals About
50.0% Winrate -21.0% Avg Gain -22.5% S&P Beat
Bought SQ Puts
5d agoSwungBearish
down -97.12% At 0.695, Now 0.02
Contract: 63 Strike Put for Sep 20
75.0% Winrate 2.7% Avg Gain -2.0% S&P Beat
Bought SQ Shares
38d agoInvestedBullish
up 5.0% At 64.25, Now 67.46
I purchased shares of Block (SQ) as the expected Federal Reserve rate cut in September is likely to benefit the company with lower borrowing costs, co... Read More