Joined August 2024
Past Performance
2 # Trades 100.0% Win Rate 4.7% Avg Gain 9.4% Total Gains 2.3% S&P Beat
100.0% Winrate 4.7% Avg Gain 2.3% S&P Beat
Bought TWLO Shares
31d agoSwungBullish
up 4.38% At 60.565, Now 63.22
Bought shares at 60.70. Price is setting up for a move above the 63.50 neckline (and recent ER high). I like the short-term up trend and it's gainin... Read More
100.0% Winrate 4.7% Avg Gain 2.3% S&P Beat
Bought INTC Shares
34d agoSwungBullish
up 5.05% At 20.79, Now 21.84
Bought shares at 19.94. INTC basing since 8/5 with RSI showing a marked divergence. Price is poking above the base-range. $22 will come quickly, but ... Read More