Joined August 2024
Past Performance
12 # Trades 0.0% Win Rate -91.7% Avg Gain -1100.4% Total Gains -95.1% S&P Beat
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought QQQ Puts
22d agoDaytradedBearish
down -99.58% At 2.363, Now 0.01
Contract: 474 Strike Put for Aug 30
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought SMCI Puts
24d agoSwungBearish
down -99.1% At 3.34, Now 0.03
Contract: 320 Strike Put for Aug 30
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought SMCI Puts
24d agoSwungBearish
down -85.75% At 0.351, Now 0.05
Contract: 260 Strike Put for Aug 30
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought ON Puts
25d agoSwungBearish
down -98.77% At 0.816, Now 0.01
Contract: 75 Strike Put for Aug 30
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought VKTX Puts
25d agoSwungBearish
down -97.76% At 2.232, Now 0.05
Contract: 63 Strike Put for Aug 30
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought MSOS Puts
25d agoSwungBearish
down -43.4% At 0.265, Now 0.15
Contract: 6.5 Strike Put for Aug 30
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought JD Calls
25d agoSwungBullish
down -92.59% At 0.27, Now 0.02
Contract: 27 Strike Call for Aug 30
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Puts
31d agoSwungBearish
down -97.96% At 0.489, Now 0.01
Contract: 121 Strike Put for Aug 23
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Calls
32d agoSwungBullish
down -97.38% At 0.382, Now 0.01
Contract: 139 Strike Call for Aug 23
2. Hedging with Call Optionsnn- Objective: Offset potential losses from puts by capitalizing on upward movement.n- Action:n1. Buy Call Options: Purcha... Read More
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Puts
33d agoSwungBearish
down -93.94% At 0.165, Now 0.01
Contract: 115 Strike Put for Aug 23
Conclusionnn- Higher Chances: NVDA has a moderate probability of moving above $132.69 by the end of the week but is more likely to stay within the mon... Read More
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
Bought NVDA Puts
33d agoSwungBearish
down -97.98% At 0.495, Now 0.01
Contract: 120 Strike Put for Aug 23
0% Winrate -91.7% Avg Gain -95.1% S&P Beat
NVDA Options
36d agoSwung Unlock
some % entered at Buy it
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